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SpringBoard 7.0 – Not Your Father’s PM Hosting Solution?

Even if the advertising for Oldsmobile cars (‘Not your father’s Oldsmobile’) that launched a thousand other slogans has by now become a cliché, its message about handling the new and the old is still relevant. As times change, new solutions arrive, but existing needs must still be served. So it is with enterprise project management. The SpringBoard 7.0 cloud project management portal from LoadSpring offers significant advantages over previous project management hosting solutions, while continuing to give users the benefits they had before and can allow you to host multiple versions of the same application to manage existing jobs.

Moving With the Project Management Market

Oldsmobile’s oversight was to exclude its existing market in its advertising campaign: the brand was ultimately retired by its owner, General Motors. On the other hand, SpringBoard 7.0 continues to address past, present and future customer requirements. Even before the Cloud achieved its current popularity, LoadSpring had an enviable track record of providing PM cloud hosting solutions to give customers wide-ranging possibilities to manage permissions, versions, upgrades and more. Customers can be assured all the LoadSpring qualities they appreciated then are carried forward now into the Cloud.

The Better Alternative to DIY Heavy-Lifting

But suppose you’re not yet a LoadSpring patron. How does cloud-based PM hosting with SpringBoard 7.0 compare with, say, doing it yourself in-house? Using your company’s own data center means bearing the capital cost of the solution, the operational costs of IT staff to look after its care and feeding, and the challenge of making sure that your project management systems are always up and running. Oh yes, and answering your users’ questions. Yet business logic and experience suggest that an enterprise needing this kind of complex but non-core competence should seriously consider outsourcing it to a reliable third party.

Choice and Continuity Together

In that case, does the SpringBoard 7.0 cloud solution give you everything you need? The SpringBoard 7.0 portal can connect you to a wide range of project management apps running in the cloud. They include PM applications from Oracle Primavera hosting, Deltek, Meridian, Microsoft, Adobe, Aras, Archibus, AutoDesk, AutoVue, Myriod, Ares, Synchro and US Cost. That covers scheduling, estimating, BIM, file sharing, collaboration and more.  The portal also does this with flexible and effective access security, and business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities to match practically any business requirement.

More than Before

Can SpringBoard 7.0 then offer you more than previous hosting solutions? Yes, indeed. The cloud computing wave inspired LoadSpring to add new key features and the company’s natural inclination to consistently offer top quality project management solutions did the rest. Consequently, SpringBoard 7.0 also offers advanced mobile working features including performance-driven connection routing and the facility for your people to huddle online and boost project management results together, wherever they are.

Set for the Future

SpringBoard 7.0 will continue to be at the forefront of developments in cloud computing, while continuing to satisfy different generations of project management application users. Like the LoadSpring’s brochure for SpringBoard 7.0 says, ‘Don’t just manage the cloud. Dominate it’; and like the brochure also says, ‘Don’t Mess with Success’.  With these two maxims in mind, count on LoadSpring 7.0 to continue being a cost-effective alternative to other hosting possibilities while serving all generations of business users.

Take a good look at SpringBoard 7.0 Watch the video here.