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Global Cloud for Healthy Long-distance Relationships

Global Cloud

Any relationship takes work. Long distance relationships in the global Cloud take a bit more. Although businesses can be in the global marketplace, their cloud hosted applications may not always be. For these companies, Cloud hosting presents specific challenges that can impact the ability to deliver projects on time and profitably.  So, what are these challenges and how do you overcome them?

  • Application Performance is not optimized for Users located a long distance from the application data. User impact… “Why is the application slow?”
  • Security requirements do not permit data for a project to be housed in a specific country. User impact… inaccessibility
  • Multiple cloud addresses. User impact… “Why do we have to navigate to different web addresses to login to different clouds?”
  • Multiple User credentials not in sync. User impact… “Why do I have different login credentials for every Cloud?”
  • Multiple file managers. User impact… “Why is my Cloud File Store not the same between clouds?”

Why are you so slow to respond to me?

Latency in the cloud is probably the most dreaded and most often received complaint received by IT administrators. This can occur in a situation where a user is in London, but the data center is in, San Diego. Latency means the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is being impacted by the physical distance between the user and the datacenter, and it strains the ability of the user to deliver maximum performance.

This doesn’t mean the user is doomed to slow performance. Finding a Cloud hosting company with globally placed data centers can eliminate the long distance caused latency challenge. If your organization has projects in London, Toronto, San Diego, and Tokyo Global Cloud enables placement of applications and data in those locations nearest the user community.  Thus, optimizing performance while supporting data sovereignty requirements.  No more single-location application access.

Why does everything have to be so complicated?

How do you manage multiple Cloud website addresses spread across different data centers that your users have to navigate to and login with a new set of credentials? It all sounds so complicated and inefficient.

Surfing the web, you’ve probably seen websites that offer “Sign in with Facebook,” or Twitter, or LinkedIn. In a global Cloud environment, a single sign-on (SSO) solution means a user only needs to log in once and gain access to multiple, independent clouds. With SSO, you have reduced help desk costs from users forgetting their passwords, improved user satisfaction and boosted productivity. And, you have centralized usage and support data from all clouds for a better view into global enterprise level cloud status.

Why is everything different now?

Multiple clouds that are not integrated into a global cloud solution can also mean multiple file stores. Users often ask, “why is my Cloud File Store not the same between clouds?” Again, this impacts productivity and creates inconsistency.

Familiarity is comfortable and efficient. A global cloud solution means users know where to access their files regardless of which cloud they are on. This is accomplished by synchronizing the File Manager enabling files and the roaming profiles to remain the same.

Making it work

Having a Global Cloud solution addresses the business problems for global customers who require multiple primary globally dispersed applications. These businesses benefit from a single platform that provides centralized global management of applications across multiple data centers anywhere on the globe.

  • Deployment to more than one data center, and perhaps to more than one hosting provider, is a useful technique for reducing the risk that an application will become unavailable.
  • You can maintain multiple running versions of the application in datacenters located near the majority of users, and route users to the one that provides the best performance and lowest connection latency.
  • You can globally administer, add and delete users.
  • With a single global support portal and SSO you will have better and increased user adoption.

The high performance of Global Cloud is changing the way IT is delivered. How will you manage the end user experience of your applications?

LoadSpring Solutions, the market leader in Cloud Project Management solutions, has created the perfect Global Cloud. Our specialized Cloud has proven to perform at least 62% faster than leading generic clouds. Plus, it provides centralized global management of applications across multiple data centers world-wide while enabling users to launch and manage applications from a single interface.

This specialized type of Cloud is best suited for teams with an unlimited number of global users that require multiple primary applications to be dispersed globally. Not only that, but it also has the capability to host all your Project and Program Management applications, in fact, we host and provide technical support for 200+ applications.

Intrigued by what you’ve read and want to learn more? To be honest, we would be too! Contact us now at +1(978)685-9715, information@loadspring.com, or visit our website to learn more about why companies in all industries, especially Engineering, Construction, Transportation, Energy and Utilities prefer LoadSpring.