LoadSpring Blogs

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Building a Solid Network in the Cloud

Co-authored by Chaz Bowman, Network Administrator at LoadSpring Solutions

When you drive or commute to work in the morning, do you pause to think about the intricate network that helps you get from A to B in reasonable comfort, on time, and without an accident? Infrastructure is something we tend to take for granted – until routes close, lights shut down, or some other part fails. This is true of cloud networks too. Both physical and virtual networks must maintain a high quality of service, or the negative impact is soon felt. But whereas in a physical network, you can see the components, virtual networks are by their very nature invisible.

So if you are thinking of running construction, engineering or other projects over a cloud network, can you rely on it to work properly? And if so, why? Here – with a few analogies from road networks for good measure – is an overview of what building a solid network in the cloud is all about.

  • Availability. The cloud network you use must be up and running, 24/7/365. Roads don’t just disappear overnight. A cloud network cannot just disappear either.
  • Capacity. The network in the cloud must scale to accommodate more traffic, more users, and more project management and business applications, when needed. In virtual networking terms, the car you drive this morning could turn into a road train this afternoon. A solid network handles it.
  • Performance. Roads broaden and multiply lanes. A solid cloud network will use best-in-class computer networking technology. Data packet acceleration, 10+Gb Ethernet switching and fiber channel links all contribute to boosting performance and bringing data transmission times down to almost zero.
  • Efficiency. Solid networks should also be smart networks, automatically balancing loads and traffic to make the most of each network resource. Costs are contained and so are prices to end-users.
  • Resilience. Enterprise-grade networking systems and geographically dispersed facilities ensure that cloud networking service continues, even in adverse conditions. Any link “closures” or “diversions” remain undetected by end-users in a solid network in the cloud. Traffic is instantly rerouted to arrive at the required destination.
  • Security. On the road, traffic lights and police work to guarantee safety and protection. In a cloud network, intrusion detection systems and firewalls guard against unauthorized access. Cloud networks that are both solid and smart also offer secure portals, like the SpringBoard™ Cloud-based Project Management portal from LoadSpring™ which provides access to the project team while keeping hackers out.
  • Ease of access. Anytime, anywhere, by PC, tablet or smartphone, over standard Internet connections or VPNs (virtual private networks). Solid cloud networks should be simple to use too.
  • Upgrades. Have you ever notice how long it takes to build a new road? A solid cloud network that is architected for extensibility gives end-users access to additional project management applications and upgrades to existing software in a small fraction of that time, as soon as thorough quality checks and error-free operations are confirmed.

All these aspects are taken into account by LoadSpring in the customized cloud network infrastructure it provides and maintains for its customers. As you benefit from powerful and efficient project management, thanks to the hosted software and Project Management solutions available from LoadSpring, perhaps you too will take the underlying, hidden network for granted. But we take that as a compliment, because it confirms how seamlessly and effectively our cloud network is working for you.