Building Better in the Cloud

Removing roadblocks in big projects
Building projects are becoming increasingly complex as time goes on. Not just in design factors but also logistics, permits, legal requirements, and many other moving parts. This increasing complexity leads to several pain points for architecture/engineering/construction (AEC) firms. As we saw during the pandemic, rapid deployment of remote workers proved challenging. A constant fear, and often a reality, for big projects is the specter of cost overruns. Sustaining momentum requires precision project management (PM) that cannot be hindered by poorly performing software (or the wrong mix of PM software).
AEC companies are beginning to access the highest performing apps required for the industry, connect and collaborate processes and teams, and prevent cost overruns by moving to the cloud. But, the ability to effectively manage this complex integration of teams, tools, and systems can easily overwhelm any enterprise. A better way is for AEC enterprise to migrate to the cloud under one roof, one cloud platform, and leverage cloud-managed services by a partner who understands the complexity of the AEC industry.
Making your PM software perform better
Construction projects are complex is an understatement. Consider the top-level factors involved in just one construction project:
- Winning the bid
- Hiring project teams
- Getting the right tools and equipment to the project site
- Building the project
- Ongoing support of the project
For each of these complexities, there are project apps that enable and support them.
- Business Intelligence
- Document Management
- Estimating
- Geospatial
- Project Portfolio
- Scheduling
- Specialized Applications
Complex PM software of all types also requires consistent updates, security patches, support, and end-user training. On top of these performance issues, it can be challenging to capture the correct blend of applications that will best serve your company’s needs.
Architecture, engineering, and construction companies need to stay focused on the project. With cloud-managed services maintaining and improving your IT infrastructure and providing expert IT support, your performance problems, as well as the ability to deliver the precise set of PM tools, will eliminate that unnecessary layer of complexity.
LoadSpring Solutions provides ongoing performance tuning of their cloud-hosted software, creating consistently high-performance for even the most demanding PM software. The time savings for project managers from performance increases have offset the cost of cloud hosting entirely for some customers; the added cost-savings from project efficiencies gained are incalculably valuable.
LoadSpring hosts every type of PM software from all the top manufacturers. Our in-house project management experts are also knowledgeable about the AEC industry. They can provide your business with the correct tools necessary to tackle the most complex projects with ease.
Connecting and collaborating with your teams
AEC companies are seeing considerable growth worldwide, with a CAGR of 10% forecast for the next ten years. This growth, combined with circumstances like adjusting to a global pandemic, means companies must provide workers the tools to work remotely and collaboratively.
World-class AEC firms like Atkins make use of cloud-hosted software to power their worldwide teams. Some of the features that they take advantage of are:
- Global access to the best PM software. Atkins makes use of PM software like Oracle Primavera P6 (P6) that has heavy hardware requirements. Hosting this software in the cloud means secure accessibility worldwide.
- Worldwide data pooling, with regionalized cost breakdowns. Collecting project data is critical for companies that want the competitive advantage that analytics offer. Localizing data as needed also simplifies otherwise complex billing procedures automatically.
- Rapid software deployment. Fast application rollout and assignment means your teams are working as quickly as possible. Hosting PM software with a managed services provider like LoadSpring Solutions™ relieves this burden from internal IT and speeds up your projects.
Enabling collaboration is critical for workers, both in-house and remote. Combining toolsets lets team members share the correct data with the right people at the appropriate time, increasing efficiency and ensuring smooth timelines. Platform as a Service (PaaS) technologies such as LoadSpring Cloud Platform™ provide both connectivity and collaboration. This advanced platform serves as the delivery method for the complete suite of project management and collaborative tools; it also offers centralized communication, training, and rapid access to expert technical assistance.
Preventing cost overruns
One of the biggest challenges in AEC is the prevention of cost overruns. Over half of project failures in the industry are due to budget overages.
Other factors include:
- Handling of client change requests.
- Poor timeline forecasting.
- Poor scope refinement.
Fortunately, there are tools available that help mitigate the risks that lead to cost overruns in the first place. Analytics such as business intelligence (BI) and project intelligence (PI) give users deep insights into all aspects of operations. With the proper setup, users see where problems are occurring in close to real-time, allowing for adjustments and corrections in the future.
AEC companies like Flatiron Construction that use data lakes, BI, and analytics can save upward of 20% of project costs over the project lifecycle. These data visualization tools allow companies to learn from current and past projects, shore up inefficiencies, and better predict when and where things may go wrong to mitigate risk. These cost savings and efficiencies gained mean on-time projects at less expense.
Leveraging technology to build a better future
AEC companies that make use of managed cloud services are a step ahead of the competition. Their ability to connect and collaborate, prevent cost overruns by utilizing analytics, and make the best possible use of PM software allows them to focus on their core business and maximize efficiencies. Managed cloud services provider LoadSpring Solutions, Inc. can fulfill these technological needs and provide the human touch necessary to customize a toolset best suited to your company. To leave behind the complexities of managing hosted apps, get started today.
Contact us here or call US +1 978 685 9715, or UK +44 800 088 5889.